If you see website selling merchandise for prices that are so suitable and good to be factual, it may be a trick to steal your payment card data and details, or maybe they are selling fake goods.

Once an innocent person had given up their payment card details, they often received one more call stating that the original card didn’t work and asked for another card. Of course, this resulted in both cards being compromised.
Another way to find doubtful sites is to use TrustWatch, which tells you if a site have been established as legal, using a color coding system. Of course, nothing is convinced on the Internet and legal sites are sometimes hacked. 

But as you know that there are a lot of online site which are fake and they are stolen the personal data and information. I think this thing is bad and it makes the bad view and image for e-commerce site and they are also effects from these unethical acts.

Reference: http://fraudwar.blogspot.com/2007/05/fake-e-commerce-sites-steal-personal.html